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January 23, 2009

Scratch That

Amy @ 4:53 pm

Heard a radio commercial in the coffee shop the other day and, apparently, the New York Lottery Commission has been following my quest and decided to offer the Jumbo Bucks scratch-off game with a prize of  exactly three million dollars.  (I’m guessing the prize is now $2,993,940, but they just haven’t had time to print my latest “to go” amount on their tickets.) Ran out and immediately bought four tickets that instructed me to “Match any YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win prize shown .  . . “  No luck finding a match — and this time I didn’t even have to consider attraction, character or whether the ticket would have annoying habits like picking its feet and playing with toe jam.

Lottery Commission creates ticket specifically for Super Bowl Single Girl.New York Lottery adds game specifically for SuperBowlSingle Girl.