Welcome to the Goal Post, where you can track the progress of America's most unlikely SuperBowl hopeful.

February 12, 2009

Big Little Check

Amy @ 7:14 am

Finally got a chance to upload this shot of the end result — at least financially — from my whole Super Bowl quest: a nice little check for $6340 made out to the United Way.  I emphasize “little” because, with all the media interest, a couple of people had suggested going to Kinkos and getting one of those blown-up checks to present by hand at the United Way offices but somehow tearing a standard check from my checkbook and quietly mailing it in seemed more tasteful and appropriate.   It’s not like one of those $50 million lottery jackpots where they give the winner a humongous cardboard check, which seems like the worst strategy in the world from a security standpoint anyway — how do the grandma types who always seems to win get to the bank with that?  

“Heading over to the grandkids’ again, Edna?” a neighbor might ask.

“Why?” she’d reply.

“Because it looks like you have a Candyland board stashed in your bra.”

A big “thank you” again — and  a hug! –  to all of you who contributed, and stay tuned to this blog for updates . .